
You may want to do your own customizations and modifications on the code such as the views or the controllers to add a new feature for example ... etc. so, all you need is to publish the required asset mentioned below and start your own customizations!

Package's assets

  • config

  • views

  • assets (js, css, imgs)

  • models

  • migrations

  • controllers

Publishing the assets

When you need to publish an asset, all you need is to run the following command :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatify-<asset-name>


You may want to do some modifications on the controllers of this package, so you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Publish controllers asset

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatify-controllers

2. Go to config/chatify.php and from routes properties, change namespace to App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify to be like the following:

'namespace' => env('CHATIFY_ROUTES_NAMESPACE', 'App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify'),

same for api_routes, change the namespace to App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify\Api

'namespace' => env('CHATIFY_API_ROUTES_NAMESPACE', 'App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify\Api').

3. Go to app/Http/Controllers/vendor/Chatify and open MessagesController.php with your code editor .. then change the namespace to the same namespace specified in the step 2 above ..

the same for Api\MessagesController.php .

Thats all you need to do.

Now, You can work with package's controller and start your modifications.


other customization such as

  • Messenger name.

  • Messenger colors.

  • Messenger Max upload size.

  • Messenger avatar.

can be done by the configurations section.

Last updated

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