
This package allows you to customize almost everything, the controllers, models, views, assets, configurations ... like so.

So you have the full control on the package to do what ever you want, all you need is to publish the required asset (e.g. controllers) to start your modifications on it.

Package's assets

  • config

  • views

  • assets (js, css, imgs)

  • models

  • migrations

  • controllers

Publishing the assets

When you need to publish an asset, all you need is to run the following command :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatify-<asset-name>


You may want to do some modifications on the controllers of this package, so you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Publish controllers asset

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatify-controllers

2. Go to config/chatify.php and from routes properties, change namespace to App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify to be like the following:

'namespace' => env('CHATIFY_ROUTES_NAMESPACE', 'App\Http\Controllers\vendor\Chatify'),

3. Go to app/Http/Controllers/vendor/Chatify and open MessagesController.php with your code editor .. then change the namespace to the same namespace specified in the step 2 above.

Thats all you need to do.

Now, You can work with package's controller and start your modifications.

Last updated

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